Saturday, February 6, 2010

Introduction To Musings

I suppose if I were still somewhat active in the pulpit, some of these pieces might have been expanded for sermonic treatment. You will note the various dates. I have not attempted to re-write anything in light of subsequent events or developments. The pieces reflect my thought at the time of writing. The years accumulate – when you receive this, I will be in my eightieth year. So, primarily for family and a few close friends, I have put together (not “Mosses from an old Manse”) musings of an old man. If I offend objects of your reverence, too bad. Remember that I am I, just as You are You.

Carl J. Westman, 1990

P.S. - I decided to do these musings for you after Carl A. Westman gave me a Smith-Corona electronic typewriter. So thank (or blame) him too. Otherwise the pieces would have remained scrawled in little notebooks.

P.P.S. - The 1991 “batch” will be sent to those who make a request.

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