Friday, February 26, 2010

Introduction To Musings II – Second Section

December 1991

Introduction To Musings II – Second Section

As noted in previous “Musings,” these are my expressions of fact and opinion. I can cite the sources of what is written as factual. The opinions and convictions are mine. Your views may differ. Whatever may be our unlike conclusions, we all gain in the process of examining our values, goals, and interpretations of our living experience. I am not at all abashed that I “write with more will than skill.” (To quote Apuleius)

To take one tiny step for ecology, if you want the next “Musings”, let me know. Thereby we won’t save a tree, but maybe a twig or two.

I’ll be thinking of all of you as another year ends and a new one begins. I wish profoundly that 1992 will be laced with your health and happiness.

Carl J. Westman

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